

Risk disclosure:

The information on the website is published with the purpose of improving the knowledge of the users; is solely for informational purposes, and is not a call or instruction to action. All materials are thoroughly checked, but if they hurt your feelings or if you believe they are offensive, we will remove them immediately once you present reasoned arguments confirming this fact. We believe that it is our duty to warn all users that according to the statistics a vast majority of users lose their money, while only a small number of traders manage to turn a profit. According to different estimates, only 10-25% of traders are successful. Therefore, we strongly recommend investing only the money you are prepared to expose to such high risks. does not sell financial services and does not charge fees for providing advice or recommendations on investment decisions; is not a broker and does not accept money for trading at the cryptocurrency exchanges. Our website provides processed information collected from open sources, based on personal experience of the authors, with the objective of helping the users make reasoned decisions, taking into consideration the analysis of the maximum amount of data from all available sources.

Disclaimer: shall not be liable for any possible consequences of the trading decisions made by a user and for possible, including financial, losses resulting from the use of this website and/or information published on it. Cryptocurrency investing and trading is not suitable for all, and we would like to emphasize the importance of understanding the high level of risks and possible consequences. Investing money implies that you are aware of all possible risks, particularly if you use leverage and other complex financial instruments. All information on this website is intended for distribution and use by any person in any country or jurisdiction, where such distribution or use does not conflict with the applicable local law and regulation. Any payments by to the users of our website shall be legally interpreted solely as a reward for active actions on the website as a deduction of a part of proceeds from advertising; they shall not be a subject of any claims from our users or our obligations. They also shall not be a subject of disputes, as they shall not be viewed as a part of the services provided to the users by the exchanges both in fact and in their completeness and volume. The administration of our website shall not be liable for the comments and reviews of the users about the exchanges, and for the authenticity, impartiality, and fullness of any information in the articles and reviews. The authors shall be liable for the provided information. All published ratings and indicators are subjective and reflect the opinion of the authors of the reviews/articles and shall not be considered as accurate statements and/or be a subject of disputes.

Advertiser and Revenue Disclosures:

All services on the website are absolutely free for you. However, in order to have an opportunity to help investors all around the world to make informed decisions about the companies they want to work with and recognize scams on time, our team spends thousands of hours researching the methods of working with cryptocurrencies, checking information about currency exchanges and projects related to the world of cryptocurrencies. This process requires some costs, and therefore there are advertisements (direct advertisements or affiliate programs) to cover them. At the same time, our unshakable rule is impartiality and transparency of recommendations and advice that we give on our website. Our ratings are based on the common specially developed methodology, which is equally applied to all. All creators of content on our website, without exceptions, and also research groups are fully removed from interacting with the advertisers. They do not have access to data on the conditions and volumes of purchased advertising. Our priorities are maximum openness, impartiality and attention to all essential details. If you like our work, please visit the websites of the exchanges using the links from our website, before opening an account with them. We can provide our services for free only thanks to you.